COMMENT: Spring 2017
By Harley Shaiken | The CLAS Chair comments on the highlights of the Spring 2017 issue of the Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies.

MEXICO: Why Mexico Fell Apart, and How to Fix It
By Denise Dresser | Outlining the transition from the delirium of the "Mexican Moment" to the disenchantment of the "Mexican Morass."

LAW: Paz y Paz and the Missing 43
By Brittany Arsiniega | A profile of Claudia Paz y Paz's groundbreaking life and work investigating the disappearance of 43 Mexican students.

MEXICO: Mexit: The Return of Distant Neighbors
By Lorenzo Meyer | Analyzing Mexico's "double crisis" - an external crisis caused by the relationship with the U.S., and an internal political crisis characterized by corruption and impunity.

HUMAN RIGHTS: Helen Mack and a New Generation
By Calixtho Lopes, Kevin Figueroa, and Arlette Jacome, with Beatriz Manz | UC Berkeley Central American students reflect on Helen Mack's talk about the late Myrna Mack, social activism in Guatemala, and opportunities for young people to effect change.

LAW: Secrets, Lies, and the Case of Victor Jara
By Almudena Bernabeu | An examination of how systems of secrets and lies impacted victims' rights to truth, justice, reparations, and non-repetition, in the context of the Chilean dictatorship.

ART: MONTARlaBestia (Riding the Beast)
Photos by Jim Block | The artist collective Artistas Contra la Discriminación explores the meaning of "riding the beast" and migrating to the United States.

BRAZIL: Democracy at Stake
By Carlos Milani | A discussion of the origins of Brazil's profound current institutional, political, and economic crisis.

DIPLOMACY: Negotiating Nuclear Safety
By Celso Amorim | The history of Brazil and Argentina's collaboration "in defense of peace, understanding, and integrated development" regarding nuclear materials.

RESEARCH: Development on the Peripheries
By Karen Chapple and Sergio Montero | The relationship between governance processes and local economic development in small cities and peripheral regions in Latin America.

CONICYT: Chile & California: The Impact of Wildland Fires
By María del Carmen Thomsen, Pedro Reszka, Andrés Fuentes, and Carlos Fernandez-Pello | A study of the very similar vulnerabilities to wildland fires in that country and California.

LITERATURE: Rediscovering Clarice Through Translation
By Katrina Dodson | Insight into "Lispectormania" and the process of translating Clarice Lispector's "Short Stories."

POETRY: From "That's Where I'm Going"
By Clarice Lispector | Lines from "É para lá que eu vou" ("That's Where I'm Going").