Revista Pihhy

Seeds of Indigenous Knowledge

Background image: Revista Pihhy banner with geometric art in earth tones.

Revista Pihhy ("seed" in the Mehi Jarka language) seeks to highlight, record, and circulate Indigenous knowledge authored by thinkers from some of the 305 Indigenous peoples and at least 274 Indigenous languages existing in Brazil. CLACS is partnering with its publishers at the Núcleo Takinahakỹ de Formação Superior Indígena at the Universidade Federal de Goiás in Brazil and the Secretaría de Formação, Livro e Leitura at the Ministério da Cultura in Brasilia to translate one monthly piece for an English-speaking audience. The project was conceived by artist, educator and leader Naine Terena, is edited by Alexandre Herbetta and Gilson Ipaxi Awiga Tapirapé, and coordinated at Berkeley by Natalia Brizuela. The Coletivo de Tradutores Berkeley-Brasil translating into English includes Derek Allen, Luiza Bastos Lages, Mônica Carvalho Gimenes, Gabriel Lesser, Ana Claudia Lopes, Isaac McQuinn, and Liam G. Seeley.

Revista Pihhy Articles in English

A Kaingang calendar wheel.

PATHS OF ANCESTRY: Sustaining Kaingang Epistemological Existences (January 2024)

Bruno Ferreira
Translated by Coletivo de Tradutores Berkeley-Brasil

This article explores the relationship between Indigenous ancestral knowledge, particularly of the Kaingang, and education in Indigenous schools, with the aim of acknowledging the methodologies and practices of the Kaingang people. This knowledge, which is founded upon ancestral space-times, is shared and constructed by the lived experiences of all members of the community and, the author argues, may open new pathways to education.

"Paths of Ancestry" (5.5 MB pdf)

"Caminhos da Ancestralidade" (link)

A black and white photo of a Tupi flute made from bone. Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet Etnografisk Samling, EHb28, human bone, 18 cm. Photo: Amy J. Buono.

Where are Your People's Instruments? (February 2024)

Glicéria Tupinambá
Translated by Coletivo de Tradutores Berkeley-Brasil

The author narrates her journey to find her people’s musical instruments, which were expropriated from the Tupinambá and hidden away in European museums and private collections. Following guidance from her dreams, the Encantados, and the ancestral knowledge of her people, Glicéria shares the centrality of sensible listening in her search through opaque colonial collections.

"Where are Your People's Instruments?" (pdf 2.5mb)

"Onde estão os instrumentos do teu povo?" (link)