COMMENT: Spring 2021
By Rosemary Joyce | The CLAS Interim Chair for January-June 2021 comments on the Spring 2021 Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies.

COVID-19: Getting Supplies in the Right Hands
By Cassandra M. Sweet | Examining the struggle to get pandemic supplies to caregivers in Latin America.

COVID-19: The International–Domestic Nexus of a Catastrophic Pandemic Response
By Carlos R.S. Milani and Tiago Nery | Looking at the national and transnational roots of Brazil's response to Covid-19.

COVID-19: Chile: A Health Crisis Within a Social Crisis
By Claudio A. Méndez | On the intersection of Chile's pandemic response, protests, and ongoing constitutional reform process.

RACE & IDENTITY: Legacies of Struggle: Reflecting on the AfroLatinx Voices Roundtable Series
By John A. Mundell | On the origins and initial steps of the new AfroLatinx Voices Series at CLAS.

BRAZIL: The Struggle for Black Education in Salvador
By C. Darius Gordon | Recounting how the struggle for Black educational access in Brazil helped organize a community.

MIGRACIÓN: Una mirada auto-etnográfica de la migración
Por Irma A. Velásquez Nimatuj | Analizando migración desde la perspectiva de una etnógrafa que también es migrante. | With an introduction in English by Rosemary Joyce.

LANGUAGE: Niahciz, I Will Arrive: A Song for the Future From the Past
By Everardo Reyes | Reflecting on his experience learning Nahuatl and the connection and joy he found in the process.

ARCHAEOLOGY: Chocolate’s Deep History in Latin America
By Rosemary Joyce | Presenting new findings about the early use of cacao throughout Latin America.

CLIMATE: The Changing Global Tropics: Hot Droughts in the Amazon
By Jeff Chambers, Clarissa Fontes, and Bruno Oliva Gimenez | The authors discuss the worrying trend of prolonged hot droughts in the Amazon rainforest.

AGRICULTURE: Native Pollinators and the Avocado
By Gordon Frankie, Sara Witt, Ben Faber, and Rollin Coville | The authors discuss work with the species that help pollinate the avocado.

FILM: Remembering to Avoid Repeating
Diego Mondaca, translated by Deborah Meacham | Recounting the experience of creating the film “Chaco.”
This Issue's Team
Interim Chair: Rosemary Joyce
Vice Chair: Julia Byrd
Program Coordinator: Janet Waggaman
Special Projects Coordinator: Ana De Carolis
Design and Layout: Greg Louden
Editor: Deborah Meacham
The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Center for Latin American Studies or UC Berkeley.
The contents of this magazine were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.