
Title Author Year Publication typesort ascending
Sediment management in dams in the Andes Jose Vicente Tinoco Ochoa 2017 Student Research
Biomedical Innovation in Late Socialist Cuba Naomi Schoenfeld 2016 Student Research
The Politics of Consumer Rights in Latin America Ernesto Muñoz Lamartine 2013 Student Research
Mexican Border Art: A feminine perspective María Ochoa Villacana 2022 Student Research
“Urbanizing” the hinterland: agriculture-led urbanization in the Brazilian Midwest Giselle Kristina Mendonça Abreu 2019 Student Research
Evolving Traditional Medicine in the Urban Amazon Tracy Brannstrom 2017 Student Research
The Mexican Countryside, Past and Present Mario Castillo 2016 Student Research
The Challenges of Mexican Elections Christopher Carter 2014 Student Research
Documentation of Choapan Zapotec Erin Donnelly 2012 Student Research
Collaborative archival work and analysis of Munduruku resistance to gold mining in the Upper Tapajós River of the Brazilian Amazon Ailen Vega 2021 Student Research
Gilvan Samico's Woodcuts: The Peculiar Confluence of Highbrow and Popular Art in Brazilian Northeastern Culture Ana Claudia Simãode Oliveira Lopes 2023 Student Research
Invisible Imprints of Glacial Melt Emma Steigerwald 2018 Student Research
Becoming “Professional” Socialists: The Cuban-Soviet Collaboration for Development Clarissa Ibarra 2017 Student Research
Social Ecologies of Brazil's Atlantic Forest Chris Lesser 2016 Student Research
Tree Species Turnover in Western Amazonia Juan Ernesto Guevara Andino 2013 Student Research
The Multivocality of Daily Life at the Intersection of Past and Presents Erin C Rodriguez 2012 Student Research
Bud Rot Disease in Tumaco’s oil palm plantations Andrés Julián Caicedo Salcedo 2022 Student Research
Food Deserts and Market Integration: Evidence from “Imperfect but Good" Produce Initiative in Chile Daniela Paz Cruzat 2024 Student Research
Preliminary field research on the social, political, and environmental dynamics around copper and lithium extraction in Chile and Argentina Nathaniel Dolton-Thornton 2024 Student Research
“This state so forgotten and so little heard”: The Problem of Governance and Slavery in the Lower Amazonian Borderlands, 1621-1720 Maria Barreiros Almeida Reis 2019 Student Research
Epidemiology of Zika Virus in Brazil: Zika infection during pregnancy and Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS) Naomi Wilcox 2018 Student Research
Examining Experiential Science Education in Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial Program Becca Shareff 2016 Student Research
Discovering Research Opportunities in Quito, Ecuador Gopal Penny 2013 Student Research
Landscapes of Domestic Labor: An Architectural History of Asymmetric Relations in Mexico City Tania Osorio Harp 2022 Student Research
Violence, Legitimacy, and Capture: Paramilitarism and the State in Caldas, Colombia 1994-2016 Diego Aristizábal 2023 Student Research
Social Housing and Fragmented Politics: A Study of Political Activism In Mexico’s City Metropolitan Area Francisco Trejo Morales 2019 Student Research
On the Cusp of Recognition: The Afro-Mexican Racial Moment in Mexico City Nicole-Marie Cotton 2017 Student Research
Can human selection of ethnobotanical plants enhance phenotypic variation? The case of the calabash tree (Crescentia cujete) in Cuba & Dominican Republic Betsabe Castro Escobar 2016 Student Research
Many flowers, few fruits: Pollen limitation in wild and cultivated Theobroma cacao Emily Kearney 2014 Student Research
Intermittent Water Supply John Erickson 2013 Student Research
Urban governance and health conditions of street vendors in Mexico City Irene Farah Rivadeneyra 2021 Student Research
Displacing the Tropics: Chagas Disease and the Politics of Landscape Bernardo Moreno Peniche 2023 Student Research
Race Beyond Borders: Japanese Migration to Chile, 1900-1950 Evan Fernandez 2018 Student Research
Central American cloud forest, a magical ecosystem where everything is alive Rosa Alicia Jiménez Barrios 2017 Student Research
History, Education, and Conflict Resolution in Chile Cristobal Madero 2016 Student Research
Yaminawa Language Documentation Project Jevon Heath 2014 Student Research
Lithic communities of practice in the Northwestern Maya Lowlands: looking at Political and Economic Integration in the Late Classic (700-900 C.E.) Flavio G. Silva de la Mora 2012 Student Research
Organized Crime, Anti-Police Violence, and Police Behavior: Observational and Experimental Evidence from Mexico Juan Campos 2022 Student Research
The Future Belongs to the Deviant: black geographies at the limits of the nation in the Dominican Republic Franchesca Araújo 2024 Student Research
Organized Crime, Organized Punishment? State Violence and Prison Gang Governance in Urban Brazil Thomas Abers Lourenço 2024 Student Research
Investigating the Link Between Chronic Kidney Disease and Drinking Water in Jalisco, Mexico Kaitlyn Jackson 2019 Student Research
Fences as Patrons of the Racist State Pascale Boucicaut 2018 Student Research
Comparative Fast Forward and Vertical Flight Trajectories in Colombian Hummingbirds Ashley Smiley 2016 Student Research
Problematizing Socio-Spatial Development in the Margins of Rio de Janeiro Nicole Rosner 2013 Student Research
Informal and formal land markets, value and policy in Bogotá: A first exploration Isabel Peñaranda Currie 2022 Student Research
Impacting International Development: blocks and potential leverage points to achieving positive ecological and social impact through private finance in Pará, Brazil. Elena Bell 2023 Student Research
Understanding Amazonian biodiversity patterns through an economically important palm Oenocarpus bataua Giovanna Figueroa 2019 Student Research
Guatemala’s Cold War Diaspora, 1954-1996 Miles Culpepper 2017 Student Research
Delayed Materiality, Delayed Democracy: The legal, cultural and media construction of the Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno Marianela D'aprile 2016 Student Research
Politics and Protest (and Lack Thereof) in Brazil Liz McKenna 2014 Student Research