
Title Author Year Publication typesort descending
Impacts of a Fair Wage Factory Katharine Burmaster 2013 Student Research
Ecological Divergence in a Tropical Tree: Protium subserratum (Burseraceae) Tracy Misiewicz 2012 Student Research
Food Sovereignty and Gender: Agrifood Systems in La Mixteca, Oaxaca María Villalpando Paez 2023 Student Research
Past contested futures in the Magdalena River basin, Colombia: Political ecologies of hydropower development Jesús Alejandro García 2020 Student Research
Demanding the Devil Say Mass: Black Educational Struggle in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, 1984-1989 C. Darius Gordon 2020 Student Research
Hurricanes, Climate Change, and Agriculture Katherine Siegel 2018 Student Research
The social and political dimensions of global detoxification: Towards a mercury-free world in the artisanal and small scale gold mining sector in Colombia Sebastian Rubiano-Galvis 2017 Student Research
Urinary Tract Infections in a slum community in Brazil Emily Pearman 2016 Student Research
Un Salario Digno and Subjective Social Status John Landefeld 2013 Student Research
Housing, Land, and Property Rights for Venezuelan Migrants in Perú Melina Marie Holder 2022 Student Research
Interview with Brazilian artists Maria Lira Marques and Davi Jesus do Nascimento Luiza Bastos Lages 2024 Student Research
Influence from English on the production of the /tɬ/ cluster by Mexican Spanish—English bilinguals Ernesto Gutiérrez Topete 2019 Student Research
Investigating Intercontinental Disjunctions in the Rock Daisies (Perityle; Asteraceae) Isaac Marck 2018 Student Research
The Endless Colonization of the Amazon Forest Diego Arevalo 2016 Student Research
Network of Firms and the Aggregate Economy: Evidence from Costa Rica Jose Pablo Vasquez Carvajal 2016 Student Research
Assessment of Multi-species Fodder Bank Cropping Systems to Improve on Farm Protein Production, Food Security, and Ecological Resilience Justin West 2013 Student Research
Understanding the Legacies of Peripheral Literature in Brazil Tessa Wood 2022 Student Research
Ciudad Tecún Umán: The Walking City Salvador Gutiérrez Peraza 2023 Student Research
Itinerant Photographers in the Andes: Possibilities and Limitations of Self-Representation Ana Lucia Tello 2018 Student Research
Learning from Successful Intercultural Midwifery Models of Care: From Summer MPH internship at Centro Osa Mayor in Tulum, México to the Ecuadorian Amazon Robin Fink 2017 Student Research
Infrastructure and the Environment in Mexico Sophie Fitzmaurice 2016 Student Research
Understanding the origin and the landscape dynamics of white-sand vegetation in Amazonia Gabriel Damasco 2013 Student Research
Dietary Practices In the Face of Globalization: Preserving Culture Among Indigenous Communities of Pueblo Kichwa Ecuador to Promote Health Nicholas Orozco 2012 Student Research
Narrativizing Education, Violence, and Epistemic Emancipation in Brazil Tessa Wood 2023 Student Research
Education reforms and its impact on the educational experiences of recently arrived Black immigrant students in Chile María Eugenia Rojas 2019 Student Research
Concentration Camps in Northeast Brazil, 1915-1932 Laura Belik 2018 Student Research
Exploring the impact on public transportation reforms on low-income residents in Colombia Manuel Santana Palacios 2017 Student Research
Black cultural exchange and identity formations in Costa Rica Nicole Ramsey 2016 Student Research
Alli Kiru: Oral Health and Food Practices Among Amazonian Kichwa Youth Ana Alicia Levin 2013 Student Research
Finding the Forgotten Ones: Search and Identification of an Unmarked Mass Grave in San Juan, Puerto Rico Jose L. Marrero Rosado 2022 Student Research
Switching from High-stakes to Low-stakes Evaluation: Evidence from a University-level Reform Marco Antonio Badilla Maroto 2024 Student Research
Post-Caravan Withdrawals: How Mexico keeps migrant caravan members out of the public eye through the legalization process Levi Vonk 2019 Student Research
Practicing the Future: Brazilian Youth, Educational Aspiration, and Collective Justice Alice Taylor 2018 Student Research
Intercultural Translation in Education: the case of Iknal at the Maya Intercultural University of Quintana Roo, Mexico Gabriela Borge 2016 Student Research
Income Inequality and the Tax System in Chile Juan Pablo Atal 2014 Student Research
Social Interactions and Worker Productivity: Firm Level Evidence Moises Yi 2013 Student Research
Exploring Avenues for Justice and Barriers to Accountability in Land and Environmental Conflicts in Guatemala Kelsey Alford-Jones 2022 Student Research
Safe Transportation in Chile Isabel Hincapie 2023 Student Research
Boundary Waters Between Mexico and the U.S. Caroline Tracey 2018 Student Research
Women, Violence, and the Nation in Brazilian Literature and Film Monica Gimenes Hernandez 2017 Student Research
La Fiesta de la Tirana Marcelo Garzo 2016 Student Research
Studying the Yucatec Maya Language Aurora Feeney-Kleinfeldt 2014 Student Research
Validation of a Survey for Assessment of Human Milk Bank Promotion at Herculano Pinheiro Maternity Hospital in Madureira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Daniel Peixoto Irby 2012 Student Research
Colonial Caribbean Currents: A Comparative History of Caribbean Energy Systems Adriana Gonzales 2024 Student Research
The Treatment and Control of Chronic Disease in Chile Claire Boone 2019 Student Research
Art and Resistance in Central America Lesdi Goussen 2018 Student Research
Elite Networks, State Capture, and Democratic Development in Central America Carlos Schmidt Padilla 2017 Student Research
Miskitu Language Field Research Planning Ruth Rouvier 2016 Student Research
Precarious Writing and Delicate Perception in the Visual Field, 1960-1980 Suzanne Li Puma 2013 Student Research
Queer Culture Under Dictatorship Alejandro Múnera 2022 Student Research