Inequality in the Americas
Ricardo Lagos and Robert Reich
September 11, 2012 | Part of the Inequality: A Dialogue for the Americas Series

CineLatino: Tony Manero
Directed by Pablo Larraín (Chile, 2008)
October 3, 2012 | Part of the Fall 2012 Cine Latino Series

The Politics of Inequality
Oscar Landerretche and Brad Delong
October 15, 2012 | Part of the Inequality: A Dialogue for the Americas Series

CineLatino: Vanishing Landscapes
Directed by Eliseo Subiela (Argentina, 2012)
October 16, 2012 | Part of the Fall 2012 CineLatino Series

CineLatino: Post-Mortem
Directed by Pablo Larraín (Chile, 2010)
October 17, 2012 | Part of the Fall 2012 CineLatino Series

New Perspectives on Inequality
Paul Pierson and Daniel Hojman
October 22, 2012 | Part of the Inequality: A Dialogue for the Americas Series

Screening: Without A Net
Directed by Kelly J. Richardson (Brazil, 2012)
October 3, 2012 | Film Screening and Director's Talk

The Story Behind the $100 Million Story
David Barstow
October 25, 2012

Decentralization and Popular Democracy: Governance From Below in Bolivia
Jean-Paul Faguet
October 29, 2012

Screening: Proyecto Historias de Hombres — ¡En Voz Alta!
Directed by Josie Lehrer (Chile, 2012)
October 30, 2012 | Film Screening and Director's Talk

CineLatino: ¡De Panzazo!
Directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo and Carlos Loret de Mola (Mexico, 2012)
November 3, 2012 | Part of the Fall 2012 CineLatino Series

Inequality Across the Americas
Sergio Fajardo and Emmanuel Saez
November 19, 2012 | Part of the Inequality: A Dialogue for the Americas Series

Screening: Captive Radio
Directed by Lauren Rosenfeld (2012)
November 27, 2012 | Film Screening and Director's Talk

CineLatino: Elite Squad: The Enemy Within
Directed by José Padilha (Brazil, 2010)
November 28, 2012 | Part of the Fall 2012 CineLatino Series