Event Description
In 1988, Lélia Gonzalez wrote Por um feminismo afrolatinoamericano (For an Afro-Latin American Feminism), urging for the examination of the intersections of gender, blackness/indigeneity and class. Her declaration, and the legacy of Black and Indigenous women throughout the hemisphere, continues to shape liberatory movements into the 21st century. In the second event of the AfroLatinx Voicesseries, we bring together three activist-scholars to discuss the roles that transnational Black feminisms have in activism and movements throughout the region.
Laura Hall is a Black Costa Rican activist. She is the current vice president of Costa Rica's chapter of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and a fellow for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations. She served as the vice presidential candidate for Costa Rica’s Frente Amplio (Broad Front) party in 2018.
Tito Mitjans Alayón is an Afro-Cuban feminist activistx, non-binary, fantastically fat, Trans masculine historian whose research areas include Black Feminism, Queer and Trans Afro- diasporic Studies, and Critical Studies of the Black Atlantic. Mitjans Alayón has a doctorate in Feminist Studies and Intervention from UNICACH, Chiapas, México.
Djamila Ribeiro is a Black Brazilian feminist philosopher, journalist, and activist on the streets and the interwebs. She is the author of three books, including Pequeno manual antirracista (Little Anti-Racist Handbook, 2019), and has received several awards in Brazil and abroad for her scholarship and activism.
Moderator: Ashley Ngozi Agbasoga is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology at Northwestern University with a graduate certificate in Black Studies, and a Predoctoral Fellow at the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies. Ashley’s work involves Black/Indigenous geographies and the mestizo state in Mexico.
Presented by the Blackness in Latin America and the Caribbean Working Group, and cosponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Departments of African American Studies, Gender & Women's Studies, English, Comparative Literature, Ethnic Studies, and Spanish & Portuguese, as well as Professor Nadia Ellis and the Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities.