Theory in Practice: Violence in the Margins

Panel Discussion

October 23, 2015

Event Description

Co-editors Javier AuyeroPhilippe Bourgois and Nancy Scheper-Hughes, with moderator James Quesada, will discuss their new book, Violence at the Urban Margins, which delves into how Latin America emerged from decades of extreme violence — revolutionary, counter-insurgency, and military state — at the end of the 20th century only to plunge into a cauldron of delinquent, criminal, interpersonal, and political violence under democratic regimes. 


Javier Auyero is a professor of Sociology at the University of Texas, Austin.

Philippe Bourgois is the author of several books, including the award-winning In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio.

Nancy Scheper-Hughes is a professor of Medical Anthropology at UC Berkeley, where she directs the doctoral program in Medical Anthropology.

James Quesada is a professor of Anthropology at San Francisco State University.


Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies, the Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, the Medical Anthropology program, the UC Berkeley-UCSF Critical Social Medicine Working Group, and the Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice.