Symposium on Amazonian Languages


April 2-3, 2022

Symposium on Amazonian Languages participants

Event Description

The Fourth Symposium on Amazonian Languages consists of 26 talks by scholars working on different aspects of languages, from phonetics to language typology, in the following languages: Tuparí, Kichwa, Yanesha’, Chamicuro, Shiwilu, Panará, Guaraní, Iskonawa, Iquito, Nheengatu, Maropa, Ka’apor, Enlhet-Enenlhet, Wari’, Guató, A’ingae, Nadëb, Guajajára, Secoya, Kawahíva, Desano, Mʉteã, Siriano, and Caquinte.


Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley. 

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Conference's Program