Rivera, Kahlo, and the Detroit Murals: A Personal Journey
Harley Shaiken
February 2, 2020 | Part of the Spring 2020 Bay Area Latin America Forum

Changing Climates: Lessons Learned from Community Organizing in Puerto Rico
Oscar López Rivera
February 19, 2020

Shining Path and the Emergence of the Human Rights Community in Peru, 1980-2003
Charles Walker
February 26, 2020

Berkeley Summer Abroad: Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Nahuatl Language
Informative Session
February 27, 2020

Occupying Schools, Occupying Land: How the Landless Workers Movement Transformed Brazilian Education
Rebecca Tarlau with opening remarks by Zeus Leonardo, comments by Tianna Paschel
March 4, 2020 | Author’s Book Talk

Covid-19, the Northern Triangle, and U.S. Immigration Policy
Lucrecia Hernández Mack and Karen Musalo
May 1, 2020

Migration, the U.S. – Mexico Border, and Covid-19
Stefano M. Bertozzi, Elizabeth Oglesby, Katie Sharar, and Adalberto Ramos
May 29, 2020

SummerCine: Yo no me llamo Rubén Blades (Rubén Blades is Not My Name)
Directed by Abner Benaim (Panama, 2018)
July 2, 2020 | Part of the 2020 SummerCine Series

Who Killed Berta Cáceres? The Murder of an Indigenous Defender and the Race to Save the Planet
Nina Lakhani with comments by Joseph Berra and Rosemary Joyce
July 9, 2020 | Author's Book Talk

SummerCine: Canción sin nombre (Song Without a Name)
Directed by Melina León (Peru, 2019)
July 24, 2020 | Part of the 2020 SummerCine Series

SummerCine: Rojo
Directed by Benjamín Naishat (Argentina, 2018)
August 9, 2020 | Part of the 2020 SummerCine Series