The Migration of Criminal Violence: From Lucky Luciano to Pablo Escobar to "El Chapo" Guzmán

Sergio Aguayo 

November 12, 2015 

The speaker is sitting at a desk with two screen projecting a presentation on either side behind him. He is being introduced by another individual standing off to the side with a crown in front of them.

Event Description

Organized crime has accumulated an enormous capacity for inflicting violence. For nearly a century, mafias, cartels, and gangs have woven together a network that fosters all types of illegal activities. Professor Aguayo will present an overview of this process through the personalities of three key gangsters. He will also make an argument for a regional and comprehensive response.


Sergio Aguayo is a Mexican scholar and political analyst. He is a full professor at the Center for International Studies, El Colegio de México and a Visiting Professor at the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights (Harvard School of Public Health).

Read "Mexico: The Geopolitics of Organized Crime" by Helke Enkerlin-Madero in the Fall 2015 Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies.