Event Description
Through an interdisciplinary approach, the proposed event series interrogates how people from different positionalities in Latin America address pressing environmental issues. Over three installments throughout the academic year, we will invite scholars who, in their forms of researching, writing, and engaged scholarship, are studying struggles for territorial and water rights, dignified livelihoods, food sovereignty, and environmental knowledge. Our event series will emphasize how approaching these pressing environmental problems involves an articulation of humans and more-than humans.
Each installment will have two components: a hybrid in person/online talk (Jan 19) open to the public, and a workshop (Jan 20) led by the guest speaker and open to graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty who sign up. The lecture-workshop framework will allow participants to collaborate with and learn from our invited speakers how to advance research on nature and politics in Latin America.
Andrea Ballestero is Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of Southern California. Her research combines political and legal anthropology, STS, and social studies of finance and economics, with a particular interest in spaces where the law, economics and techno-science are so fused that they appear as one another.
Presented by the Latin American & Caribbean Socionatures Working Group, with cosponsorship support and funding from the CLAS Event Series Grant.