CineLatino: Waste Land

Directed by Lucy Walker (United Kingdom, 2010)

Part of the Fall 2010 Cine Latino Series

November 10, 2010

Waste Land Official Film Trailer


Artist Vik Muniz collaborates with the trash pickers of Rio’s Jardim Gramacho — the world’s largest dump — using garbage as a medium to create portraits that reveal both their dignity and despair. 95 minutes. English and Portuguese with English subtitles.

“Easily as concerned with social and environmental issues as it is with the fine-art career that sets it in motion, the movie never focuses on big issues at the expense of the individuals it encounters.” —The Hollywood Reporter

More information 

From the Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Fall 2010 Article: "FILM: Behind the Pristine City. . . Rubbish People" by Nancy Scheper-Hughes.