Student Publications

Title Author Year Publication type
DEMOCRACY: Building a Better Citizen Oscar Oszlak; Ingrid Baumann 2013 Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies Article
GUATEMALA: Bending the Arc of History Beatriz Manz 2013 Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies Article
DEMOCRACY: The Economic Roots of Unstable Regimes Belén Fernández Milmanda 2013 Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies Article
COMMENT: Spring 2013 Harley Shaiken 2013 Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies Article
Tracking the Silence of the Backland: In search of a non-Euclidean criticism on the Massacre of Canudos Sebastiao Edson Macedo 2012 Student Research
Voluntary Associations and the Mexican Middle Class, 1920-1960 David Tamayo 2012 Student Research
Trying to improve food choice and fight information asymmetry in the Latin-American food market Victor Villalobos 2012 Student Research
Transforming National Identity: race, nature, and desertification in Argentina Ashton Wesner 2012 Student Research
A Plan to Reverse the Negative Developments of the Cauto River, Cuba Daniela Pena Corvillon 2012 Student Research
The Multivocality of Daily Life at the Intersection of Past and Presents Erin C Rodriguez 2012 Student Research
Investigating Human Diet and Bone Health in the Colombian Andes: Prehistoric and early Spanish Colonial Experiences Melanie J. Miller 2012 Student Research
Translating Brazil: Imagining a Misplaced and In-Between Nation Krista Brune 2012 Student Research
Lithic communities of practice in the Northwestern Maya Lowlands: looking at Political and Economic Integration in the Late Classic (700-900 C.E.) Flavio G. Silva de la Mora 2012 Student Research
Validation of a Survey for Assessment of Human Milk Bank Promotion at Herculano Pinheiro Maternity Hospital in Madureira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Daniel Peixoto Irby 2012 Student Research
Expanding Electoral Coalitions: Conservative Parties in Argentina and Mexico Eugenia Giraudy 2012 Student Research
Colonization of the most isolated island on Earth: What is the origin of the spider Tetragnatha paschae? Darko Davor Cotoras Viedma 2012 Student Research
Income and health insurance type in Chile: Effects on health and health services utilization Soledad Martinez-Gutierrez 2012 Student Research
Dietary Practices In the Face of Globalization: Preserving Culture Among Indigenous Communities of Pueblo Kichwa Ecuador to Promote Health Nicholas Orozco 2012 Student Research
Documentation of Choapan Zapotec Erin Donnelly 2012 Student Research
Marian Imagery and its Transformations Jessica Stair 2012 Student Research