Affiliated Scholar

Jamille Pinheiro Dias

Affiliated Scholar

Jamille Pinheiro Dias is the director and a lecturer at the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of London. In addition, she is an affiliate faculty member at the Franklin Humanities Institute's Amazon Lab at Duke University, where she was previously a von der Heyden fellow. Prior to joining the University of London, she worked as a Research Associate at the University of Manchester as part of the project Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America, funded by the United Kingdom’s Arts and Humanities Research Council. Her studies involve environmental issues,...

Russell Sheptak

Research Associate

Russell Sheptak spent 20 years architecting and writing software at startups, retiring as a VP of Engineering at his last company. He then returned to research on the history and life of Central American indigenous people, a topic that has interested him since his early days as an Anthropology undergraduate at Cornell University in the 1970s.

He obtained his Ph.D. in Archaeology from Leiden University in the Netherlands in 2013, combining both historical and archaeological data to provide a rich view into the ways the indigenous people of the lower Ulua River valley in Honduras co-...