The origin and evolution of the acquisition of guanidinium alkaloids in Harlequin Frogs (Atelopus, Bufonidae) from Ecuador and Colombia


The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM) is the highest coastal mountain range on Earth, located on the Caribbean coast of the Magdalena Department in Colombia. Its intricate geological history and the unique climatic conditions of its towering peaks have resulted in an exceptional array of biodiversity. Species assemblages are so unique because the significant geographic separation from the Andes and the isolation provided by the surrounding lowlands allow the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to function like an island. Here, populations become isolated, undergo speciation, and adapt to specific climatic conditions, resulting in a phenomenon known as endemism.

Maria Jose Navarrete Mendez
Publication date: 
November 8, 2024
Publication type: 
Student Research