Within the national secondary school program Sistema de Apredizaje Tutorial (SAT), many structural and curricular reforms are improving the outlook for rural Honduran youth. While a longitudinal comparison study has tracked many students through the program and beyond, this project focuses on the particulars of tutor training, teaching, and community involvement for SAT’s science and agricultural projects. Leveraging my experience building school gardens with high school youth in Nicaragua, I approached this project anticipating the influence of community knowledge and unique natural resources. Data collection occurred in three phases: 1) Preparation- Tutors and their trainers strategized for how best to teach the units; 2) Implementation- Classrooms were observed to capture student-tutor interactions, environment, and resources; 3) Reactions- Students and their families shared about the impact of the agricultural projects. Across all three stages, video observations and interviews were conducted, and four different SAT villages were visited. Apparent in the data is the strong tie between the curricular design and the inclusion of community members. Projects are designed to directly impact and support the health, environmental well-being, and economic advancement of students and their families. The workbooks support strong study habits, moral values, and relevant content while minimizing costs for students. These results are critical to evaluate and disseminate, as other countries look for solutions to support rural students with minimal access to secondary education.
Publication date:
August 27, 2016
Publication type:
Student Research