Curating Literature


An online event on curating literary festivals will feature: Milena Britto, curadora literaria independiente; Natalia Brizuela, curadora y editora independiente; Cristina Fuentes La Roche, Directora, Hay Festival; Mauro Munhoz, Co-fundador y Director FLIP, Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty; Jamille Pinheiro Dias, curadora independente; Amalia Sanz, Directora FILBA, Festival Internacional de Literatura de Buenos Aires.

NOTE: This event is predominantly in Spanish and Portuguese, with closed captions in the language spoken by each speaker. All captions are on the "Spanish - Latin America" captions track.

Milena Britto
Cristina Fuentes La Roche
Mauro Munhoz
Amalia Sanz
Publication date: 
May 6, 2024
Publication type: 
CLACS YouTube Video