Carolina Botelho

Job title: 
Affiliated Scholar (non-resident)

Carolina Botelho holds a Ph.D. in political science from IESP / UERJ, a master's degree in sociology and anthropology from UFRJ and a degree in social sciences from UFRJ. She is currently working on a project on bureaucracy and public policy in Brazil, coordinated by Professor Barry Ames of the University of Pittsburgh. She was a researcher at FGV, IPSOS, UERJ, IPEA, UFRJ and other institutions. She is co-author and co-organizer of the books Reforma da Previdência - A Visita da Velha SenhoraBrasil Pós-Crise: Agenda para a Próxima DécadaNovo Regime Demográfico: uma nova relação entre população e desenvolvimento, and Caminhos Trilhados e Desafios da Educação Superior no Brasil. She has experience in public management in federal and state governments.

Brazil, in residence at CLAS 2018-19