Voluntary Associations and the Mexican Middle Class, 1920-1960


The purpose of this trip to Mexico was to carryout preliminary research for my dissertation project on voluntary associations and middle-class formation. It also was the second summer in which I did exploratory work on this topic. This year I went to three locations: Tijuana, Mexico City, and Puebla between the months of May and June. In Puebla and Tijuana I contacted and visited a number of voluntary organizations (such as the Rotary and Lions clubs, mutual-aid societies, chambers of commerce, hunting leagues, and a host of other associations). I specifically was looking to determine which associations had archives with materials that could be useful for my dissertation. This was a crucial element because it determined the viability of my study. While I was not granted access to all of the associations I visited in Tijuana and Puebla, several did allow me to consult their private archives that have a wealth of information that is relevant to my project. This has allowed me to pursue this topic further and I am currently in the process of applying for funding for a year of dissertation research from various sources, including Fulbright and the Social Science and Research Council. 

David Tamayo
Publication date: 
October 18, 2012
Publication type: 
Student Research