January 12, 2022
Jun q'olb'elb'il te kyiy / Greetings to you all,
We are happy to announce the Spring 2022 Mam Language workshop at Laney College. This unofficial class offers an overview of Mam language and culture in Guatemala and Oakland, looking at aspects of culture, history, language, and cuisine through the development of basic conversational skills in contemporary Mam language.
Please register at the link below if you plan to participate.
More information:
Classes will begin January 25th fully online (Zoom). After February 5th, we will add an in-person option for Tuesdays at Laney College. We will follow local institutions for returning to in-person instruction. Classes are taught in English and Spanish. Classes are free but we encourage a $100 donation. Class details:First day of class: Tuesday, January 25th, 2022
Last day of class: Saturday, May 21st, 2022
Beginner class schedule (ALL students are welcome)
Tuesday 5:00-6:10 pm (Zoom) (after Feb 5: Laney College option)
Thursday 5:00-6:00 pm (Zoom)
Saturday 9-10 am (Zoom)
Thursday 5:00-6:00 pm (Zoom)
Saturday 9-10 am (Zoom)
Intermediate class schedule (Some previous Mam experience / study)
Tuesday 6:20-7:30 pm (Zoom) (after Feb 5: Laney College option)
Thursday 6:15-7:15 pm (Zoom)
Saturday 9-10 am (Zoom)
Chjonte kyiy, (thank you)
Qa Ajxnaq'tzal: Henry Sales, Silvia Lucrecia Carillo, Tessa Scott, and Cristina Mendez
"Qo xnaq’tzan tuj tzalajb’il tu’ntzan tjaw ch’iy qchwinqlal"
This class is sponsored by the Latinx Cultural Center at Laney College and the Center for Latin American Studies at UC Berkeley. If you have questions that are not answered in this email, please visit our website mamclass.com or email maminoakland@gmail.com.