
Title Author Year Publication typesort ascending
Guatemala’s Cold War Diaspora, 1954-1996 Miles Culpepper 2017 Student Research
Delayed Materiality, Delayed Democracy: The legal, cultural and media construction of the Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno Marianela D'aprile 2016 Student Research
Politics and Protest (and Lack Thereof) in Brazil Liz McKenna 2014 Student Research
Expanding Electoral Coalitions: Conservative Parties in Argentina and Mexico Eugenia Giraudy 2012 Student Research
Building the Lettered City: Engineering & Literature in 19th Century Mexico Alejandra Decker 2021 Student Research
Articulating Cintli Sovereignty: Nahua Farmers and Contemporary Maize Relations in The Land of Fresh Water Jesús Nazario 2023 Student Research
Finding a Drop to Drink in Guadalajara Francesca Rubino 2018 Student Research
This Leaf Ain’t Big Enough for the Two of Us Benjamin Kessler 2017 Student Research
International Climate Change Policy and its Socio-Environmental Impacts in the Local Scale: The Case of Wind Energy Development in Mexico Nain Martinez 2016 Student Research
Abortion in Chile Anne Hoffman 2014 Student Research
Marian Imagery and its Transformations Jessica Stair 2012 Student Research
Ecosystem services provided by black howler monkeys in human-modified habitats Anaid Cárdenas Navarrete 2022 Student Research
Beyond Devouring: Antropofagia in Mário de Andrade’s Macunaíma Isaac McQuinn 2024 Student Research
Asia in Mexico City: Filipino Footprints in Mexican Art and Architecture Ramón de Santiago 2019 Student Research
Growing Informal Spaces in Brazil Priscila Coli Rocha 2018 Student Research
Estate Management Under Crisis in Revolutionary Mexico Chris Sullivan 2016 Student Research
FRIDA: Forwarding Research for Improved Detection and Access for Cervical Cancer Screening in Tlaxcala, Mexico Samantha Rudolph 2013 Student Research
Lessons from a Traditional Colombian Food Market: What food flows in the Galería El Porvenir Market reveal about Cali & Colombia Alexandra Reep 2022 Student Research
Caring for Palm Trees: The Gendered Politics of Plant Reproduction and Assisted Pollination in Colombian Oil Palm Plantations Andrés Caicedo 2023 Student Research
Teaching son jarocho desde la raíz Yared C Portillo 2024 Student Research
Latinx Paper Cultures: Puerto Rican Solidarity, 1960s-1980s Angela Pastorelli-Sosa 2020 Student Research
Language-specific Sources of Acoustic Stability in Phonological Development Margaret Cychosz 2017 Student Research
The Chilean Criminal Justice System Patricio Dominguez 2016 Student Research
An Opportunity to Include People in Nicaragua’s Low Carbon Energy Transition Diego Ponce de Leon Barido 2014 Student Research
Tracking the Silence of the Backland: In search of a non-Euclidean criticism on the Massacre of Canudos Sebastiao Edson Macedo 2012 Student Research
Finding snakes in the Colombian Amazon forest: A collaborative endeavor Valeria Ramírez Castañeda 2021 Student Research
Agua exportada, territorios secos: Neoliberalism, Agricultural Trade, and Water Justice in Chile Benji Reade Malagueño 2023 Student Research
Prosperity or Precarity? Driving for Uber in Brazil Heather Regen 2018 Student Research
Central America’s Silent Massacre: The Politics of Chronic Kidney Disease Amidst Scientific Uncertainty Carlos Martinez 2017 Student Research
Ch'ol past ontologies: Social indigenous archeology in the region of Palenque, Chiapas Esteban Miron Marvan 2016 Student Research
Rubens in a New World: The Role of Flemish Prints in the Transatlantic Spanish Empire Aaron Hyman 2013 Student Research
Voluntary Associations and the Mexican Middle Class, 1920-1960 David Tamayo 2012 Student Research
Long-Term Impacts of Online Sexual Education in Colombia Rebecca Cardinali 2022 Student Research
Colonial relationality in The Land of Fresh Water from 1718 to 1989 Jesse (Jesus) Nazario 2024 Student Research
Official Ethnoracial Categorization in the Dominican Republic Reuben Perez 2019 Student Research
Angling towards Antarctica: A preliminary study of scientific "expedition" tourism in Ushuaia, Argentina Robyn Taylor-Neu 2018 Student Research
Assessment of Household Air Pollution in Paraguay Matias Tagle 2016 Student Research
Archaeological Reconnaissance in Arequipa, Peru Geoffrey Taylor 2013 Student Research
Nahuat Pipil Indigenous Resistance, Victories and Struggles: Sensunapán River Hydroelectric Dams in Nahuizalco, Sonsonate, El Salvador Deibi Daryin Sibrian 2022 Student Research
Climate change and differential water access in Santiago, Chile: a critical approach to climate attribution Kate Altemus Cullen 2023 Student Research
Women in Transition: The Revolution Effect on Gender (In)Equality Johanna Reyes Ortega 2024 Student Research
Climate Vulnerability of Smallholder Agriculture in Chiquimula Department, Guatemala Evan Patrick 2020 Student Research
Augusto Boal: Staging Resistance against the Brazilian Military Dictatorship Catarina de Morais Gama 2017 Student Research
Impact of a Science and Technology After-School Workshop on Children’s Scientific and Engineering Identities - Cuenca, Ecuador Elena Duran 2016 Student Research
Brazil’s Prison Reforms: Transforming Penal Systems and Democracy? Maria-Fátima Santos 2014 Student Research
Income and health insurance type in Chile: Effects on health and health services utilization Soledad Martinez-Gutierrez 2012 Student Research
Enriching the Agricultural Matrix: Farmer engagement in biological corridor projects in Costa Rica Yesenia Valverde 2022 Student Research
Antibiotic Resistance in Shrimp Farming Tilden Remerleitch 2023 Student Research
Electric Vehicles and Environmental Justice in Mexico City Jimmy Mahady 2018 Student Research
Conceptualization and Linguistic Encoding of Spatial Concepts in South Bolivian Quechua Julia Nee 2017 Student Research